Monday, September 5, 2011

Epic Post :D

Heyyy Guys!!! So Sorry i havent been on lately been crazy busy with school :( But dont think i forgot about you guys! Pshhh! No no no no i could never ever forget about you guys! :D Hahahah My summer was AWESOME it was filled with late nights full of laughter on the phone with my best friend! :D grrr she is mine! >:) Rawr? lol Hahha she is the bestest friend in da world!!! hahahah when ever we were on the phone laughing so loud our parents know who we were talking to hahah!! I dont know what i would do with out my best friend in my life! ahhahah well i think i am getting you guys yawning so i better run! Bye! <3


  1. I didn't see this one, either. Nice job Kaylee, and I am glad you enjoyed the summer. Love you.
